张海林|碧桂园 · 钻石湾
2023-09-19 来源:华南家居网 作者:陈岚岚
实用为原则 美为王道
The design of Diamond Bay has always focused on "creating the sense of the return of the king", integrating the eastern and Western aesthetics, so that the entire villa space is exuding an aristocratic atmosphere. "Noble life" is a choice, and the realization of choice needs to be completed by design.
精神世界 妙趣横生
在空间内放置花瓶、雕塑、绘画作品等艺术品作为装饰,丰富了空间内涵,也增添了房主回家时的仪式感,营造「王者归来」的意境。Placing vases, sculptures, paintings and other works of art in the space as decoration enriches the connotation of the space, adds the sense of ceremony when the homeowner returns home, and creates the artistic conception of "the return of the king".
美学融入 功能完美空间
"Back to win the reward, ink pool fragrant, Yin ship rain" the ancients entertainment, always like to go outdoors to relax between the mountains and rivers. Through reasonable spatial layout, the designer will create a negative floor into a leisure space with high entertainment performance.
"Lanling wine tulips, jade bowl to amber light. But so that the master can be drunk guest, I do not know where is home" in the negative layer of the wine cellar, can achieve "master drunk guest, wine talk." "Fragrant spring a combined milk, fried as a bead boiling" in the tea tasting area, the host can be with guests "forget to say to purple tea".
享贵族风情 受闲适舒意
The design of the villa space of "Bird love nest people love home" fully demonstrates the atmosphere of the yacht holiday wind, and all aspects of the details reveal the aristocratic atmosphere, highlighting the extraordinary taste of the owner.
"Cut off the west of the city language, secluded like a wild family" villa garden design using "natural" gardening techniques. The "natural" gardening technique imitates the natural landscape, brings people a soft and comfortable sensory experience, and adds the warm feeling of "home".
项目名称 | 碧桂园钻石湾
项目地点 | 佛山顺德
设计公司 | 海荣正林设计
软装设计 | 联尚艺术(墅)
建设施工 | 金樽建设
项目面积 | 1340平方米
[本文仅传递信息,不代表本站观点]     相关标签:张海林,碧桂园 · 钻石湾,传世家宅,海荣正林设计,联尚艺术(墅),金樽建设
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